7/7 the day when 52 innocent lives were lost tragically

Monday, February 11, 2008

hey, roger / timothy & whoever is in your group!

as you can see, i've created the blogskin for all of you. i'm really sorry cause it's not what timothy wanted - you know the gore pictures and all. i decided to get rid of the pictures from my thumbdrive since it was pure disgust. :P

anyway, you may want to edit some parts here and there until you feel satisfied. or you can just tell me what is lagging and stuff.

PS : you need to credit me. XD

oh yes, the post before this is some article i found while searching for pictures. it's sort of interesting and all about the propaganda thingy, so do take a look. haha. sounds like i'm doing the job for you. LOL!



Now, let us examine the photograph above of the destroyed London bus. Blown up by Islam terrorists we were told within hours. Exactly as Americans were told by CNN on 911. No need to examine the evidence critically then, right?


Look at those upright victims. They appear relatively unharmed. Or do cops there in London allow a whole group of tourists to climb all over a crime scene? If those are victims, how exactly was the roof of the bus blown completely off, the seats wrenched and distorted, and those passengers not blown to pieces, like those bus passengers in Israel?

Likewise, the close circuit television cameras (CCTV) cameras on the bus that blew up were not working that day.

One senior Scotland Yard official said:

"It's a big blow and a disappointment. If the cameras had been running we would have had pin-sharp close-up pictures of the person who carried out this atrocity (or seen nobody). We don't know if the driver forgot to switch them on or if there was a technical problem but there are no images."

How fortunate for the plotters. Wonder if they knew in advance? Four cameras, ( none working ), one covering people entering the bus, a second camera at the exit doors and one on each deck scanning the length of the vehicle. But none were operating that day.

"Creating terror to blame on the Muslim world is the whole point," said Eric Williams. "I have lived in England and I have used the London Underground and Bus system hundreds of times. Video would reveal the real perpetrators."

Too bad the cameras didn't work that day. And this in London, the CCTV capitol of the world.

As crime scene investigator, Paul Joseph Watson wondered:

"The bombs were sophisticated military type explosives and were ON TIMERS. Why would suicide bombers need timers? Furthermore they were reported to have come from UNDER the trains."

Bruce Lait, of Cambridge, England, a victim of the bombing, was reported in the Cambridge News:

"As they made their way out, a policeman pointed out where the bomb had been. According to Lait, the policeman said "mind that hole, that's where the bomb was." The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," said Lait.

The Cambridge News further added:

"This suggests at least one of the bombs may have been planted either on the track, or on the undercarriage."


Or perhaps some previously unknown suicide bomber rode UNDER the train. Perhaps British intelligence (MI6) can fabricate a reasonable explanation for the gullible and clueless. Perhaps Blair's loyal minions can explain why one of their own agents worked with the suicide bombers.

Take a close look at the London bus again. No fire or smoldering wreckage. An easy crime scene to investigate. Right?

Did any crime scene investigators (CSI) or Scotland Yard detectives bother taking blood samples for DNA testing to identify those Muslims? Did anyone scrape some splattered remains off a hard surface, as those actors do on television?

How simple would that be?

Sadly, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is dead and Sherlock Holmes never existed. The crime scenes in New York and London grow cold but the propaganda war against Islamic countries continues along with the wars of occupations.

The above photograph was taken from the side of the London bus. The ironic slogan is not altogether coincidental, I am convinced.

"Outright Terror;

Bold And Brilliant."

Bold and brilliant? Certainly. Outright terror? Most definitely. But every citizen should be wary of their government and mainstream media, spinning disinformation about fake terrorist events, ever alert to recognize those who plan them, carry them out and profit from them.



the bombers


insert group names
and what not

he say, she say